Academic Facilities
- 5555Woolworth Faculty Room
- 8 888Pinto Family Language Lab
- 15 151515The Arts and Humanities Center
- 24 242424Moorhead Academic Center
- 26 262626Mortara Family Academic Wing
- 31 313131Lady Ivy Kwok Wu Science and Mathematics Center/Wu Computer Lab
- 32 323232Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library
- 33 333333Nancy and Ben Belcher Learning Center
- 34 343434Laube Auditorium
- 60 606060STEM Lab
Arts Facilities
- 4444Mark W. Potter Gallery
- 7777Choral Room
- 9999Bingham Auditorium
- 16161616Woodward Theater
- 17171717Video Lab
- 18181818Photography Dark Rooms & Digital Design Lab
- 19191919The Digital Recording Studio in the Bristol Music Room
- 21212121Pailey Dance Studio
- 22222222Gail Wynne Sculpture and Ceramics Studio
- 25252525Tremaine Art Studio
- OCOCOCOCWalker Hall (Off Campus)
- OCOCOCOCWoodward Chapel (Off Campus)
Athletic Facilities
- 39393939Donaldson Family Pavilion and Tennis Courts
- 40404040Donald F. McCullough ’42 Athletic Center
- 41414141Mays Rink
- 42424242Logan Field House
- 43434343Paul and Edith Cruikshank Athletic Center
- 44444444Odden Hockey Arena
- 45454545Girls’ JV Soccer Field (fall), Boys’ JV Lacrosse Field (spring)
- 46464646Boys’ JV Soccer Field (fall), Boys’ Thirds Lacrosse Field (spring)
- 47474747Taft's Home Course at Watertown Golf Club
- 48484848Rockefeller Field
- 49494949William Weaver Track
- 50505050Parents’ Association Field House
- 51515151Football Practice Field
- 52525252JV and Thirds Field Hockey and Girls’ Thirds Lacrosse
- 53535353Geoffrey C. Camp ’91 Field (synthetic turf)
- 54545454MacMullen Field
- 55555555Katie Jackson Morrison ’92 Field
- 56565656Lawrence H. Stone Baseball Pavilion at Rockwell Field
- 57575757Boys’ Thirds Soccer Field
- 58585858Boys' Fourths Soccer Field
- 59595959Softball Field