Affinity Groups

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Spending time with others who share the same identifier(s) is a critical component in navigating the Taft community. Affinity groups not only serve as support networks for students and faculty, but also a safe place to explore and discuss various aspects of the Taft student life experience. Affinity groups are student-led and run. There is a faculty advisor who oversees each group, but the students organize and structure the meeting and conversation. Each group views its roles differently, based on the needs of the members.

Mosaic (Black and Latinx female affinity group)

Mosaic (Black and Latinx female affinity group)

Shades (Black and Latinx male affinity group)

Shades (Black and Latinx male affinity group)

Somos (Latinx affinity group)

Somos (Latinx affinity group)

Pan Asian Affinity Group

Pan Asian affinity group