Where are you from?
New York City!
What activities do you participate in at Taft?
I am the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, The Papyrus; head coxswain on the boys’ crew team; a dorm monitor in Vogelstein; vice president of The Red Rhino Fund; and the president of Taft SAAP.
What are your favorite classes at Taft?
Over the years, my Latin classes have consistently been a favorite for me, in part because they’ve always included the same group of amazing kids.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is the great tree and benches outside Congdon dorm in the fall or spring.
What is your most memorable Taft moment?
Hotchkiss Day freshman year on the Girls' Thirds Volleyball Team when we all came together and beat Hotchkiss with the whole school watching!
What do you love most about Taft?
I love the happiness that emanates from the campus, drawing all Tafties in, and making everyone feel included.
What does it mean to be a Rhino?
Being a rhino means doing your part to make this campus a happy and safe space for everyone in the community.