Where are you from?
I am from New Canaan, Connecticut.
What activities do you participate in at Taft?
At Taft, I am a captain for varsity hockey and lacrosse, participate as a dorm and school monitor, and love spending time with my friends and reaching out to students I haven’t met.
What’s your favorite class at Taft?
My favorite class throughout my academic career has been upper-mid English with Mr. Magee. The class helped improve my writing skills, in addition to given me more confidence as a speaker.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is Main Hall because most students travel through it during the class day, allowing me to hand out some high fives and fist bumps.
What is your most memorable Taft moment?
My most memorable moment at Taft was when all students sat anxiously waiting in Bingham for the newest Head of School Holiday video. Our wait was rewarded when we saw Tom Brady announce there would be no school the next day.
What do you love most about Taft?
What I love most about Taft are the lifelong relationships that I have made with students and teachers.
What does it mean to be a Rhino?
It means a lot to be a Rhino. To me, it means that each and every day you will contribute to the Taft community by being yourself and opening up to challenges and opportunities.