Peter Horne hopes to be President one day.
“People kind of laugh at that, especially in today’s political climate,” Peter says. “They laugh and say, ‘How could you ever want that?’ But it’s true. Being Head Mon will be a great leadership experience for me, one that will hopefully help guide me toward that path.”
Peter will serve as Co-Head Mon for the 2017-18 academic year. His time at Taft made him a natural choice: he has served the community as a co-head of his Class Committee, a dorm mon, and member of the Community Service Board. He recently completed the Taft-Waterbury 18-month Global Leadership Institute (GLI) program.
“My hope in coming to Taft was to really spread my wings—to take advantage of every opportunity I could to grow and develop as a leader,” Peter explains. “I thought being a GLI Scholar would be a great way to do that.”
The highly selective program offers scholars the opportunity to interact with community leaders and organizations, while developing knowledge and skills that can be applied to tackling global issues.
“There are many wonderful leaders here at Taft, and in the community around us,” notes Peter. “Getting a better sense of leadership locally and globally, meeting the Mayor [of Waterbury] multiple times, going to PAL, and seeing what’s going on outside of Taft was very, very exciting. The opportunities here are quite amazing.”