Resources for Learning

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Taft students and families may take advantage of resources available to support and enhance learning, including the Moorhead Academic Center, our Writing Center, and peer tutors.

Moorhead Academic Center

With an overarching mission to improve student learning, the Moorhead Academic Center (MAC) offers a broad range of resources and services to Taft faculty, students, and parents. The MAC staff works with faculty to incorporate research-based pedagogy and assessment into their teaching; assist students with learning strategies and study methods, and, where appropriate, facilitate their accommodations to help them become more effective academicians; and help parents navigate assessments, and evaluations of their children as learners.


Faculty advisors play an important role as mentor and guide for each Taft student. At the start of every school year, students select a faculty advisor. New students will be assigned a temporary advisor who will guide them until they make a final decision about their advisor in October. Students can expect that faculty advisors will mentor and provide support in all aspects of Taft life.

Writing Center

The Taft Writing Center promotes excellence in writing across the curriculum by providing resources to both students and teachers. Designed to complement the instruction offered in the classroom, the Taft Writing Center is a place where all writers in the Taft community have the opportunity to receive close personal attention as they develop their writing skills. By working in conference with teachers and peer tutors, writers can both seek counsel on papers in progress and address specific opportunity areas that their teachers or other critical observers have identified in their work. Academically proficient, talented writers, as well as those who are working on extracurricular or personal writing projects, may also benefit from the feedback of Writing Center tutors.

Peer Tutors

Our peer tutoring program is coordinated by the Moorhead Academic Center team. Each year, department heads, in collaboration with their respective faculty, recommend outstanding students to work as peer tutors in their field of expertise. These peer tutors are paired with other students who have been referred by their teachers for additional support work.