Portrait of a Global Studies & Service Graduate

Portrait of a GSS Graduate

The GSS student will demonstrate competency in the following areas:

Understanding Self

  • understand cultural identifiers and determine how they apply to self
  • increase self-awareness—identifying individual strengths and opportunities for growth
  • develop an individual voice to articulate passions and callings through narratives of the self

Understanding Others & Contexts

  • understand cultural identifiers and determine how they apply to others
  • understand and analyze biases, norms, privileges
  • cultivate an active understanding across lines of difference
  • develop fluency in a plurality of perspectives
  • develop awareness of and explain the how and why of institutions and systems that structure society
  • foster a sense of empathy, compassion, and an appreciation for our common humanity

Engaging in Social Action

  • engage through experiential or service learning
  • effect change as an active citizen
  • act as a steward of the environment
  • communicate reflections to and engage in dialogue with a broader public