Charissa Padgett
Charissa is in the science department and teaches honors psychology I & II as well as accelerated chemistry. She is currently the head coach for girls’ junior varsity volleyball and assistant for girls’ thirds ice hockey. Charissa is a faculty leader of the Pan-Asian Affinity Group, who host a range of events for both affinity group members and the entire school. She and her husband, Library Director, Sean Padgett, are dorm heads of and live on CPT2 with their three cats, Hu Hu, Bridie, and Kronk. Charissa previously worked at Forman School, where she taught a wide range of classes, including biology, conceptual physics, integrated science, forensic science, and Women in Science. She also coached ultimate frisbee, recreational skiing and snowboarding, and girls’ volleyball there; her volleyball team earned the NEPSAC Class D Sportsmanship award in 2017 and 2018.
Charissa graduated from Loyola University, Chicago, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology: natural sciences, and from the University of Connecticut with a master’s degree in educational psychology. In her spare time, she spoils her cats, plays below-average golf, and enjoys an eclectic collection of board and video games.