Create Journal and Search Alerts in EBSCO
Do you have a research interest or hobby and would like to be notified when there are any new periodical articles published on the topic?
Would you like to keep up with certain journals or magazines by receiving the Table of Contents page with active links to the full text articles as soon as the journal is available in Academic Search Complete?
EBSCOhost offers both of these services.
Your first step is to create a My EBSCOhost Account.
1. Go to the Library Home page
2 Choose the tab DATABASES and then select Academic Search Complete, from the list of databases.
3. From the right hand side of the top blue bar choose Sign In. You will be prompted to create a new account, or sign in if you have already set up your My EBSCOhost account.
4. Once setup, you should sign in the My EBSCOhost to create or modify alerts.
To Create a Journal Alert
1. Open EBSCOHost Academic Search Complete and Sign into my EBSCOhost.
2. Click on the Publications tab from the left hand side of the blue bar.
3. Find the journal title, by browsing or searching the list (a subject search will show you the titles available in your area of interest)
4. Click on the title of the periodical to open the information screen.
5. Click on the Share link to the right of the screen and choose Create an E-mail Alert.6. Fill out the information on the Alerts page with your email address.
6. Choose Save Alert
7. EBSCOhost will now run the search as new issues appear and e-mail you the results.
To Create a Search Alert
1. Open EBSCOHost Academic Search Premier and Sign into my EBSCOhost
2. Perform a search in the Advanced Search mode (this is set as the default) and revise it until you are satisfied with the results you’re retrieving.
3. From the results screen, click the Share pull-down tab and choose E-mail Alert.
4. Fill out the information on the Alerts page with your email address, including frequency of receipt of alert from EBSCOhost.
5. Choose Save Alert. Once the Alert has been set up, EBSCOHost will be searched automatically, using your search alert criteria, as often as you requested. If new articles have been added to the database that match your search criteria, an E-mail will be generated containing links to the articles. You will receive no E-mail if no new articles appear.
To Review, Modify, or Delete Journal Alerts
1. Open the EBSCOHost Academic Search Complete database and sign in to My EBSCOHost.
2. Click on My Folder on the upper right of the screen.
3. Here you can edit or delete the alerts.