Anyone applying for admission to Taft is eligible to apply for financial aid. Current families receiving financial aid must reapply annually; aid is guaranteed for returning families who applied at time of admission, and remain qualified financially. Families who do not apply for aid as part of the admissions process must demonstrate a significant change in financial circumstance after enrollment in order to be considered for future aid. Taft cannot guarantee future financial aid for families who do not apply for aid at the time of application.
We are very proud to support 34% of our students through our $10.5 million financial aid budget. We are committed to working closely and confidentiality with every family to try to make a Taft education possible. Taft commits to meeting 100% of a family’s need according to our financial aid methodology. All awards are based on demonstrated need and the availability of funds in our current-year budget; awards are not based on merit.
“Over the last 40 years, the school’s commitment to financial aid has increased 3,850%. Forty years ago our $200,000 financial aid budget could support only 16 percent of students. During Head of School Willy MacMullen’s tenure in particular, the board of trustees has prioritized increasing the financial aid budget, so that today 35 percent of Taft students are supported through need-based financial aid.”
Michael Hoffman
Director, Financial Aid