* Required

Personal Information

Pickup Information

Please choose the appropriate place and time of pickup for the Taft van.

Pickup locations are:

  • CT Limo from NY airports to Marriott Hotel (63 Grand Street, Waterbury CT)
  • Waterbury Train Station, 333 Meadow Street, Waterbury CT
  • Taft Van from Bradley Airport to the Taft Educational Center (110 Woodbury Road, Watertown CT)

TEC has now added a direct van from Bradley Airport to The Taft Educational Center on Sundays. With airport security restrictions, we are not allowed to park for any length of time at the arrival pickup location. Please be at the American Airlines arrival platform outside at 3:00 or 6:00 PM. The van can not wait for late arrivals.

TEC has now added a direct van from Taft to Bradley Airport on Fridays. It is strongly suggested that you book a return flight no earlier than 4PM from Bradley. This van will leave Taft at 12:30 on Friday with a stop in Waterbury before continuing to Bradley Airport. There will be a signup sheet available during the week of your workshop. Make sure you sign up.

Please note that pickup times are approximate.