Endowed Funds
Endowed Funds
Hero Treatment
Taft is grateful to the many benefactors who have generously established funds honoring faculty, family, and alumni, and funds dedicated to supporting specific educational programs, objectives, or interests. Endowed funds are investments, designed to grow and generate income for years to come; they are investments in our school, our community, and our future.
Endowed gifts represent a significant investment in Taft. Please contact the Alumni and Development Office at 860-945-7741 for information about making a gift.
Faculty Support
Taft actively supports its faculty by rewarding excellence in teaching and promoting professional growth in the following ways:
William and Lee Abramowitz Award for Teaching Excellence at The Taft School, established in 1991 by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abramowitz, is presented annually to that teacher who made their subject matter come alive and thereby instilled enthusiasm and a love of learning among his or her students.
- Baird Family Endowment, established by Nolan H. Baird Jr. ’54, supports the senior faculty position of the Director of Admissions.
- Drummond C. Bell III Endowment for Faculty Support was established in 1997 by Drummond C. Bell III ’63 and the Drummond and Ruth Bell Foundation.
- Drummond and Ruth Bell Fellowship, established by Mr. and Mrs. Drummond C. Bell, is awarded annually to an outstanding member of the faculty in recognition of their inspirational leadership of Taft students.
- Blinken Fellowship, established in 1994, provides funds for a faculty member to travel and study abroad on a project that will be of particular professional and personal benefit to the individual.
- Regina and Earle W. Brauer, M.D. Faculty Enrichment Fund, established in 1996 by Henry G. Brauer ’74, promotes excellence in teaching by enabling a member of the faculty to undertake significant summer projects directly related to their work at Taft.
- Camp Family Fellowship, established by Ruth M. Camp, the widow of John R. Camp, Class of 1920, Christopher C. Camp, Class of 1959, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Camp, George M. Camp, Class of 1956, and Camelia M. Graham, Class of 1987, supports the initiatives of the Diversity Committee and promotes diversity among the faculty.
- Carpenter Teaching Fellowship, established in 1974 by members of the Carpenter family in memory of W. Samuel Carpenter III ’34, is awarded annually to an outstanding college graduate in the liberal arts with a strong background in international affairs or languages.
- Robert Congdon Memorial Chair of History was established in memory of Robert Congdon ’18 of Duluth, Minnesota, by his wife and children.
- Dankin Faculty Fellowship, established by Alexander H. Dankin '34 and his son Peter '60, provides opportunities for recent college graduates of outstanding promise and character to study and learn the art of teaching under the supervision of experienced Taft faculty.
- Davis Family Junior Faculty Fund, established in 2006 by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Davis to attract, support, and retain junior members of the faculty, is awarded annually to faculty who have been teaching at the Taft School for four years or less.
- Davis Fellowship, established in 1997 by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Davis and their daughter, Whitney J. Davis, Class of 1997, promotes excellence in teaching by encouraging members of the English, history, and foreign language departments to pursue cultural and scholarly experiences through international travel and study in order to broaden and deepen their capacity as classroom teachers.
- Kathryn Wasserman Davis Chair of Distinguished Teaching, established in 1998 by Gale and Shelby M. C. Davis in honor of his mother Kathryn Wasserman Davis, grandmother of Lansing A. Davis, Class of 1997, supports the study of East Asian language and history in recognition of the essential role that Chinese culture and economic vitality play in international affairs.
- The John W. Dayton '64 Family Chair, established in 2019, supports the senior faculty position of the Director of Financial Aid and is to be used to offset annual admissions and financial aid operations.
- Edwin C. Douglas Chair, established in 1980 by The Taft School Board of Trustees in memory of Ed Douglas, faculty member at Taft from 1945 to 1974, is awarded to an outstanding member of the faculty who through his or her years of service has demonstrated a deep and abiding concern for all areas of student learning.
- Faculty Leave Program allows two faculty members each year to take the entire year away from school for study, research, or writing, at full pay plus subsistence.
- Faculty Professional Development Fund was established to support faculty education and professional development.
- Fenton Family Faculty Children's Fund This fund was created by the Fenton/Shepherd/Bourgeois family in honor of former faculty member Daniel Fenton, and his sons, alumni David Fenton '48 and Charles Fenton '37. Proceeds from this fund are to be made available to faculty children to pursue supplemental study, travel or service-related opportunities.
- Gillikin Family Faculty Fund was established in 2007 by Robert and Martha Gillikin, parents of J. David Gillikin, Class of 1993, as a tribute to Frederick H. Wandelt III, Class of 1966 and former Director of Admissions, for his positive influence on Taft students for many years. The fund provides annual support to members of the faculty who wish to enhance their effectiveness as both educators and role models by furthering their education or pursuing professional development. Grants can support tuition costs as well as seminar and conference expenses.
- Holcombe T. Green Chair of English, established in 1998 by Holcombe T. Green Jr. of the Class of 1957, is awarded to an outstanding member of the English Department.
- Holcombe T. Green Chair of Mathematics, established in 2002 by Holcombe T. Green Jr. of the Class of 1957, is awarded to an outstanding member of the Mathematics Department.
- Alice and Arthur Greer Faculty Fund, established in their memory in 1997 as an endowment by their son, Jay A. Greer, Class of 1950, provides income to support members of The Taft School faculty who seek to enhance their effectiveness as classroom teachers through formal graduate study.
- Henry L. Hillman Chair, established in 1993 by Henry L. Hillman of the Class of 1937, is awarded for a term of five years to an outstanding member of the faculty whose expertise as a classroom teacher has inspired intellectual excellence among students and faculty alike in the field of either mathematics or science.
- Independence Foundation Chairs, established by the Independence Foundation in 1962 and in 1981, recognize the service of two faculty members whose duties are primarily teaching and not administrative.
- Kwok Family Fund for General Faculty Support was established by Raymond and Helen Kwok, their son Edward ’99 and daughter Joyce ’00, and is to be used to support Taft School’s faculty.
- Largay Faculty Support Fund, established in 2005 by Dorothy Largay and Wayne Rosing in gratitude for faculty excellence, supports professional development for Taft School faculty members.
- Bradford C. Laube ’51 Senior Master Chair, established in 2009 through the bequest of Bradford C. Laube ’51, honors a long-serving faculty member who demonstrates a continued dedication to excellence in the classroom and a sincere commitment to enriching the intellectual and community life of Taft students.
- Library Science Chair, established by an anonymous Taft alumnus, endows the salary of the librarian.
- Littlejohn Family Chair, established in 2005 by Angus and Leslie Littlejohn, is awarded to a faculty member whose commitment to the whole student through their 10-plus years of classroom teaching at Taft exemplifies the underlying philosophy of the Taft education, and who demonstrates a passion for his or her academic discipline, a profound caring for the emotional and intellectual life of students, and has made a significant and positive difference in the lives of Taft students.
- Lo Fellowships for Technology, established in 1999 by Simon L. S. Lo, provides grants in support of professional development and continuing education in the field of technology. The goal of these Fellowships is to improve faculty and staff use of technology to enhance student learning, develop professional skills, and/or contribute to programmatic work. Recipients are encouraged to present their learning and use of technology to their respective departments and others who would benefit from such information.
- John Lyman Fellowship, established in 1993 in memory of John Lyman ’14 by his widow, is awarded annually to an outstanding faculty member to support formal graduate work.
- Mailliard Teaching Fellowship, established in 1959 by Mrs. J. W. Mailliard Jr. in memory of her husband of the Class of 1909, is awarded each year to a recent college graduate, who serves as an apprentice teacher.
- Marvin Chair, established in 1996 through the bequest of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Marvin and the generosity of his son, John T. Marvin, Class of 1946, is awarded to an outstanding member of Taft’s Music Department.
- Karen J. May Faculty Fund was established in 2010 by Ken Hubbard and Tori Dauphinot, in honor of Karen May, Director of the Moorhead Academic Center. This fund provides grants to support members of The Taft School faculty seeking to enhance their effectiveness as classroom teachers through participation in programs of continuing education in graduate study and professional development. Grant recipients will be selected annually by the Head of School in consultation with the Dean of Faculty.
- Lance Odden Summer Sabbatical Teacher’s Fund. In recognition of the outstanding contributions that Lance Odden and so many other teachers have made to the Taft student body, the Class of 1968 established the Lance Odden Summer Sabbatical Teacher’s Fund, whose purpose is to finance a summer sabbatical for teacher education. Recognizing that the future success of Taft hinges on the foresight of its teachers in anticipating the future process of education, the primary goal of the fund is to develop new course designs for subsequent school years. Other uses are determined from time to time by the Head of School, in consultation with key advisors of the Head's choosing, subject to the requirement that it only be used for teacher summer sabbatical programs. Whenever possible the program should alternate each year between the sciences and humanities.
- Donald Oscarson ’47 Master Chair, established in 2013 in memory of classics teacher Donald Oscarson '47, is awarded to a Taft faculty member who best represents Oscie's legacy as a strong mentor to both students and faculty, who has served for a minimum of ten years, who represents Oscie's unwavering commitment to students and faculty, and who—like Oscie—has positioned himself or herself as a leader among the Taft faculty.
- Palamar Fellowships, established in 1998 in memory of Dr. Paul Lovett-Janison, Taft teacher from 1942 to 1969, by Mary Palamar, grandmother of Randal ’64 and Richard ’68, supports mid-career faculty who show particular promise of developing as expert teachers.
- Parish Family Chair, established in 1980 by the family of Richard Parish ’41, is awarded to an outstanding member of the Taft School faculty who through years of service has demonstrated a deep and abiding commitment to the residential life at Taft.
- Pettit Fund for Faculty Support was established in 1998 by Katherine and William D. Pettit Jr. to recognize and support the faculty at The Taft School.
- William Alexander Porteous III Award, established in 2007 by William D. Porteous ’90 in memory of his father, is given annually by the Head of School to encourage in a faculty member the education of the whole student. Awarded to a teacher with the expectation that he or she would address the school on matters of character and moral development, the award honors William Alexander Porteous III ’55, who was marked by honor, service, and generosity.
- Edward D. Robbins Jr. ’64 Endowment for Faculty Support was established in 1999 to support the faculty of the Taft School.
- Lanny Ross Faculty Instructorship Endowment, established through the bequest of Lancelot P. Ross, Class of 1924, supports mid-career faculty who distinguish themselves as instructors in music.
- Leonard R. Sargent Chair, established in 1998 through the bequest of Leonard R. Sargent, Taft teacher from 1937 to 1969, is awarded to an outstanding member of the faculty engaged in the field of environmental education.
- Sheppard Family Grant, established in 2008, was made possible through a bequest from John W. Sheppard ’28, a memorial gift from the Taft Class of 1928, and ongoing support from the families of John W. Sheppard Jr. ’64 and J. Wade Sheppard III ’86. The award is given annually to one or more faculty members whose commitment to the whole student exemplifies the underlying philosophy of a Taft education, demonstrates passion for their academic discipline, shows a profound caring for the emotional and intellectual life of students, and makes a positive difference in the Taft community through teaching excellence. This grant allows faculty to take advantage of opportunities through travel, study, or any experience that might bring further enrichment back to the Taft community.
- Shoup Award in Memory of James P. Logan, established by Jonathan H. Shoup ’64 in memory of James Paynter Logan, Taft teacher from 1933 to 1969, provides discretionary funds to an outstanding member of the faculty to be used in their work with students in keeping with the high standards of teaching set by James P. Logan.
- John B. Small Chair, established in 1998 through the bequest of John B. Small, Taft teacher from 1951 to 1987, and through the support of his students and friends, is awarded to a member of the faculty whose devotion and inspiration challenge students to find and appreciate their unique strengths.
- Frances L. and E. Philip Snyder Jr. ’38 Head of School’s Chair was established by Fran and Phil Snyder, Class of 1938, in honor of Lance R. Odden, Head of School of Taft from 1972 to 2001. The Snyder Chair shall stand in perpetuity as a distinct fund within The Taft School endowment, with income designated for the support of the Head of School.
- Chip Stafford Endowment for Science Faculty, established in 1998 by his family in memory of Chip Stafford, Class of 1971, celebrates and supports excellence in the teaching of science, as exemplified by the performance of Chip Stafford as a student and by former teacher Edward M. North.
- Frederick Adams Stebbins ’28 Faculty Teaching Fund was established in 1995 by Lois E. and Frederick A. Stebbins ’28 to support the faculty of the Taft School.
- Mary and Robert Stott Chair, established by Donald B. Stott ’56 and Robert L. Stott Jr. ’48 in memory of their parents, is awarded to an outstanding member of the faculty for excellence as a teacher.
- Stroud Family Faculty Fund, established in 2012 by Morris and Boo Stroud, parents of Lily ’03, Brook ’06, and Alex ’09, provides support to faculty who wish to enhance their effectiveness as both educators and role models by furthering their education or pursuing professional development.
- William E. Sullivan Chair, established in 1980 by The Taft School Board of Trustees in memory of William E. Sullivan, is awarded to an outstanding member of the faculty whose teaching has inspired intellectual excellence among students and faculty alike.
- Summer Study Grants, established in 1958, enable the school to grant financial assistance each year to as many as twenty members of the faculty to meet the expenses of summer graduate study.
- Tien Family Teaching Award was established by Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Tien in honor of their daughter, Lois E. Tien, Class of 2005, to recognize and celebrate the dedication and commitment of the Taft School faculty. The Head of School will make this selection annually in consultation with representatives of the faculty and student body with the award being presented to a member of the faculty who through their work has been caring and inspiring, making a real difference in a student’s life, whether in the dormitory, classroom, studio, or athletic field.
- Penny and Michael Townsend Faculty Fund, established in 2006 in honor of the Townsends’ twenty-three years of service to the Taft School, promotes excellence in teaching through support of faculty travel, graduate study, and projects that enhance classroom effectiveness and membership in the Taft community.
- van Beuren Family Chair, established by John and Hope van Beuren and their son, Archbold D. van Beuren, Class of 1975, is awarded to a faculty member in the Arts Department to support excellence in teaching in the fields of visual arts, design arts, history of art, architecture, music, dance, or theater.
- van Beuren Family Faculty Fund, established in 2004 by Hope and John van Beuren and their son, Archbold D. van Beuren, Class of 1975, supports teaching excellence at Taft through enhanced faculty compensation.
- Wold Family Chair in Environmental Studies and Stewardship established in 2010 by John S. Wold ’34, John P. Wold ’71 and their families, is awarded to an experienced faculty member to support Taft’s commitment to environmental stewardship. In addition to educating students in the classroom on important aspects of environmental issues, the chair holder will contribute to the school’s efforts to become the most environmentally responsible institution it can be.
- Won Family Endowment for Service and Cultural Knowledge was established to provide faculty an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of international culture with preference for projects in South Korea or Nepal.
Student Honors and Prizes
Through the generosity of alumni, parents, faculty, and friends, the School presents special awards for scholastic and athletic achievement, character, leadership, and sportsmanship:
Alliance Francaise Prize. Presented by the Alliance Francaise Chapter of Waterbury.
- Aurelian Honor Society Award. To that member of the Senior Class who, in the opinion of their classmates and the faculty, is outstanding in sterling character, high scholarship, and forceful leadership.
- Beardsley Award in Track. Awarded annually to that member of the track team who most thoroughly typifies the finest spirit and accomplishment of the ideals of the School as laid down by Horace D. Taft.
- Clinton R. Black Jr. Cup. To that member of the Varsity Football Team who, by his spirit, loyalty, play, and good sportsmanship, best typifies football at Taft.
- Bourne Medal in History. This award honors the outstanding student in history.
- Brown University Award. To that Upper Middler who best combines a high degree of ability in English expression, both written and spoken, with those outstanding personal qualities that, in the words of the Brown Charter of 1764, “give promise that the student become one of the succession of men and women duly qualified for discharging the offices of life with usefulness and reputation.”
- Livingston Carroll Soccer Award. Given to an outstanding member of the boys’ varsity squad.
- Sherman Cawley Award. Given to that member of the Middle Class who has shown outstanding improvement in English composition.
- Thomas Sabin Chase Award in Art. To that student who has exhibited in the study of art a significant perception, originality, and developing talent.
- Class of 1908 Medal. To that member of the Senior Class whose influence has done most for the school.
- Class of 1966 Lacrosse Cup. Awarded in honor of Lance R. Odden to a member of the boys’ varsity squad for sportsmanship, play, and outstanding contribution.
- Class of 1981 Award. Presented to that member of the Senior Class who has demonstrated the most improvement during their years at Taft.
- Coach’s Trophy. To that member of the boys’ varsity squad who, through determined desire to improve his skill, has contributed most to the morale and spirit of ice hockey at Taft.
- Connecticut Harvard Club Award. To an outstanding member of the Upper Middle Class.
- Harry K. Cross Football Award. To that member of the varsity squad who, through his individual improvement and by his exemplary spirit, outstanding sportsmanship, and sound team play, has contributed conspicuously to Taft football.
- Joseph I. Cunningham Award. This award is presented to honor Joseph I. Cunningham, a member of the Taft School faculty for thirty-nine years. The award is presented to that Senior who, in the opinion of the Head of School, has worked selflessly for the betterment of the Taft School community.
- Daniel H. Fenton Award. Given to a Taft graduate who studies Latin or Greek at Taft and continues that study as a freshman in college.
- Fraker Family Award is given by the Head of School, in consultation with the faculty, to that Upper Mid whose commitment and leadership in creating a close and diverse community has distinguished him or herself as a future global leader.
- John ’50 and James ’53 Franciscus Film Prize for Best Movie, Video, or Screenplay, established in 2012, is awarded to Taft seniors for their demonstrated excellence in film arts and provides support for these students to participate in enriching programs that further develop these skills.
- Galeski Golf Award. Given to that member of the varsity golf team who carries out the tradition of sportsmanship and love of the game characteristic of John Galeski during his thirty-four years of association with Taft.
- Girls’ Lacrosse Cup. Awarded to a member of the girls’ varsity squad for sportsmanship, play, and outstanding contribution.
- 1976 Girls’ Soccer Award. Awarded annually to that member of the soccer team who best exemplifies the spirit of the 1976 soccer team. The winner of the award will be the player who shows the most dedication and love for soccer.
- David Edward Goldberg Memorial Award. For the most outstanding, original piece of art, scholarship, or creative work.
- Gould Award. To that tennis player who best demonstrates the qualities of sportsmanship and will to win that characterized George Gould, teacher and coach at Taft from 1966 to 1970.
- Otis L. Guernsey Jr. '36 Theater Award. Named in memory of renowned theater critic Otis Love Guernsey, this award is given to that actor or actress who, through enthusiasm, cooperation, and competence has contributed most to the theater at Taft.
- William W. Hatfield ’32 Grant, established in 2010, was made possible through the generosity of Guy Hatfield ’65, Ross Hatfield, as well as through the ongoing support of William W. Hatfield’s family. The grant celebrates the ideals of Horace Dutton Taft—service above self—and is given annually to one or more students whose commitment to volunteerism brings to life the message behind Taft ’s motto: Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret—Not to be served, but to serve.
- Hitch Wrestling Award. Given annually to that member of the wrestling squad who through self-discipline has greatly improved their wrestling skills, and who by his example and generosity of spirit has aided others to similar achievements.
- Honorary Science Award. This award is presented by the Bausch & Lomb Company to that member of the graduating class who has demonstrated outstanding work in science.
- Logan Basketball Award. Awarded to that member of the varsity basketball squad who by his sportsmanship, team play, and unselfishness best demonstrates the standards and ideals exemplified by James Paynter Logan.
- Marion Hole Makepeace Award. For the person who has contributed the most to girls’ athletics.
- Berkley Matthews Memorial Award. Presented to that young woman whose gentle concern for others best reflects the qualities of Berkley F. Matthews, Class of 1996.
- Heminway Merriman Award. Established by the family and friends of Junie Merriman, Taft Class of 1930. Awarded to that individual whose gentle concern for others best reflects the qualities of Junie Merriman.
- George H. Morgan Award. Instituted by the Class of 1963 in honor of George H. Morgan, who headed the school’s Music Department for forty years, this award is made to that member of a Taft School singing organization who through ability, leadership, and enthusiasm has made the most significant contribution to the success, effectiveness, and well-being of that organization.
- Non Ut Sibi Community Service Award. Established by Harry W. Walker of the Class of 1940 and awarded to that Senior whose service and work outside of Taft best exemplify the school’s motto.
- John S. Noyes French Prize. This award is presented in honor of John S. Noyes, for thirty-nine years an outstanding teacher of modern languages.
- Patsy Odden Award. Given by the Class of 1980 to that member of the girls’ hockey team who, in the minds of the coaches, best exemplifies the spirit of leadership, determination, and ability.
- Meg Page ’74 Fellowship, in memory of her commitment to compassionate health care, is awarded annually to students who wish to explore an experience or course of study devoted to the provision of better health care in areas such as public health, family planning, medical research, mental health, and non-Western practices of healing.
- Maurice Pollak Scholarship Award. Established in 1992 by Mr. Henry Pollak II of the Class of 1940 and by his mother, Lucile R. Pollak, as a permanent memorial to his father, Maurice Pollak, the award provides aid to a deserving member of the graduating class to help defray expenses during the student’s first year of college.
- Robert Keyes Poole '50 Fellowship, established in memory of Robert Keyes Poole, Taft teacher from 1956 to 1962, is awarded annually to enable Taft students to engage in travel or in projects consistent with Mr. Poole's lifetime interest in wildlife and the environment.
- Mark Potter Award. Given by the Class of 1996 in memory of Mark Potter, who inspired art students at Taft for forty years, to that student who has excelled in studio art.
- John T. Reardon History Prize. For the best essay in American History.
- Alvin I. Reiff Prize. This award honors the outstanding student in biology.
- Rensselaer Alumni Association Medal. For outstanding work in mathematics and science.
- Roberts Scholarship. Founded by Mrs. J. W. Hill in memory of her brother, Harley F. Roberts. The income from this bequest is to aid a deserving Taft Senior through college.
- John B. Small Award. Awarded to that member of the Taft cross-country team who has exhibited exceptional skill in performance in accordance with the standards of coach John Small.
- Lawrence Hunter Stone Award. For the person who has contributed most to boys’ athletics.
- Stone Baseball Award. To that member of the varsity baseball team who, through his leadership, consistent high level of performance, perseverance, and good sportsmanship, has made an outstanding contribution to the Taft baseball program.
- Bill Waldron Memorial Prize. To that student who has contributed most to the technical aspects of drama at Taft as exemplified by the late Bill Waldron ’72.
- David Kenyon Webster Prize. For excellence in writing.
- Wilson-Douglas Mathematics Prize. Given in honor of distinguished mathematics teachers, George R. Wilson and Edwin C. Douglas by Dr. Robert W. Cornell ’42, this award is presented to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated outstanding work in mathematics.
- John L. Wynne Wrestling Award. Presented to that member of the wrestling team who most enthusiastically represents the spirit of Taft wrestling through attitude and deed in practice and interscholastic competition.
- Philip T. Young Music Prize. To that member of the Taft School singing organizations who, through ability, leadership, and enthusiasm, has made the most significant contribution to the success, effectiveness, and well-being of those organizations.
Alumni, parents, and friends of the Taft School have given generously to establish these scholarships and endowed funds to provide financial assistance for qualified students:
Roger and Beth Ailes Scholarship was established in 2014 in recognition of Martha and Thomas Carney who hailed from Waterbury and Watertown. Mr. Carney served in WW II and was employed by Timex. His wife, Martha, sadly widowed in 1966 with five children to raise, maintained the family home near the Taft campus. This scholarship honors the Carneys who faced adversity with grace, courage, and faith. It provides funds for a deserving boy or girl from Waterbury or Watertown so that they might benefit from the excellence of a Taft education.
- Albert Family Scholarship, established in 1996 by Sylvia and Burton Albert, Jan and Eric Albert '77, Rachel and Jonathan Albert '79, and David and Deborah Albert Rosmarin '82, provides financial assistance to a deserving day student with preference going first to an individual who has participated in and been endorsed by the Waterbury Police Activity League as an Albert Brothers Waterbury Police Activity League Scholar. This fund was created in memory of their parents and grandparents, Hilda and Sidney Albert and Bessie and Eli Meisel.
- John Alexander '90 Memorial Scholarship, established in 2000 by the family and friends of John Alexander, provides financial assistance to a deserving student in memory of John Alexander, Class of 1990.
- Elizabeth and Nina Andersen Scholarship, established by bequests from Elizabeth H. Andersen and her sister, Nina E. Andersen, provides financial assistance to deserving day students.
- Andrews Family Scholarship was established in 2016 by Michelle Andrews and her father Kenneth Heithoff to support inspired exceptional scholars who bring with them well cultivated passions to enrich life at Taft and a demonstrated commitment to positively impacting their communities.
- Barefoot Family Scholarship, established by Pamela and Brian Barefoot, parents of Molly Barefoot '99, provides financial assistance to enable a deserving student to attend Taft.
- Benjamin M. Belcher Memorial Scholarships, established in 1989 by the Belcher family in memory of Benjamin M. Belcher '32, provide aid to deserving students.
- Bell Family Scholarship, established in 2011 by Shelly and Drummond C. Bell III '63, parents of Rachel Bell Robards '92 and Drummond C. Bell IV '90, is awarded to enable deserving students to have the benefit of a Taft education with preference given to qualified candidates from the Bridgeport, Connecticut, area and surrounding communities.
- Bendheim Family Scholarship, established in 1987 by the family of Thomas L. Bendheim of the Class of 1981, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Peter W. Berg '80 Scholarship was established in 2009 by Peter W. Berg '80 in gratitude for the formative education and ethic of service that he received at the Taft School. This scholarship provides opportunities for the education of the whole person, as envisioned by the school's founder, enabling students in need of financial assistance to attend Taft so that they may further develop their creativity, intellect, and integrity.
- Nancy and James Better '79 Scholarship was established in 1987. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving student who would otherwise be unable to attend Taft.
- George Robison Black Scholarships, established in memory of George Robison Black of the Class of 1927, provide assistance to needy and deserving students.
- Frederick Henry Blake and Helen Avery Blake Scholarship, established in 2005 by Frederick H. Blake Jr. '29 in memory of his parents, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Bloch Family Scholarship was established in 2015 by Reisa '05 and Matt '05, together with their parents, Larry and Cindy Bloch. This scholarship provides financial assistance to an outstanding student, with preference from the western part of the United States. Since Matt and Reisa's Taft experience was transformative the Blochs wish to give that same opportunity to another deserving student.
- Edward Gaylord Bourne Scholarship, made possible through the generosity of Miss Grace E. Bourne and Edward W. Bourne '15, was established in memory of their father, a professor of history at Yale University and a close friend of Horace Dutton Taft.
- Peter C. Bowden Scholarship was established in 2017 by Peter C. Bowden in honor of Pam and Willy MacMullen '78, P '14, '16 in recognition of their many contributions to Taft. It is intended to help fund the tuition of a deserving student whose family lacks the financial resources to readily afford a Taft education.
- W. Philip and Nancy C. Braender Scholarship was created by a bequest of W. Philip and Nancy C. Braender. Philip was a 1934 Taft graduate. This scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Brenton Galbraith Family Scholarship, established in 2004 by Mrs. Julie A. Brenton, Class of 1981, Mr. Robert Galbraith, and Mr. and Mrs. Junius C. Brenton, provides financial assistance to deserving students with preference given to candidates from central Iowa.
- Bristol Family Scholarship, established in 1998 by Michael W. Bristol, father of Robert H. Bristol, Class of 1976, David A. Bristol, Class of 1980, and James D. Bristol, Class of 1986, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- John W. Bristol Scholarship, established in memory of John W. Bristol, Class of 1931, by his wife, Louise, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Browne Family Scholarship, established by Alex and David Browne in honor of their parents, William and Carol, in gratitude for their Taft education. It is intended to help fund the tuition of a deserving student.
- William W. Browning Jr. ’48 Scholarship, established in 2000 by Jane H. Browning in memory of her husband, William W. Browning Jr., Class of 1948, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Brownstein Family Scholarship, established in 1996 by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brownstein and their sons, Lawrence F. Brownstein, Class of 1974, and Andrew R. Brownstein, Class of 1971, provides financial assistance to deserving students from the greater Waterbury area.
- Arthur Hugh Bunker Science Scholarship, created by a bequest of Arthur H. Bunker, Class of 1913, provides financial assistance to deserving students who excel in the study of science.
- Buttenheim Family Scholarship, created in 1991 in memory of Edgar J. Buttenheim by his children, Donald '33, Curtis '36, Edgar M. '40, and Constance B. Swain FP '68, '70, provides scholarship aid to deserving students who exemplify the school's motto.
- Geoffrey C. Camp Memorial Scholarship, established in 1989 by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Camp, provides aid to deserving students in memory of their son, Geoffrey C. Camp, Taft Class of 1991.
- Orton P. Camp Scholarships were established in memory of Orton P. Camp 1908 to enable the school to accept students from the Waterbury area who show promise in science and mathematics and who will make a meaningful contribution to the extracurricular life of the school.
- Bob and Suzanne Campbell Scholarship, established by the Pick Family in 2022 to honor Bob '76 and Suzanne Campbell's significant contributions to the Taft School as longtime faculty members, teachers, coaches, and mentors to many students and colleagues alike. This scholarship was established to honor a couple whose lives exemplify the Taft motto, Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret. This scholarship will be distributed annually to deserving students who demonstrate financial need, strength of character, and academic promise.
- Challengers Boys and Girls Club Scholarships, established through the support of the Roger S. Firestone Foundation and the efforts of Lisa Firestone von Winterfeldt '85, Ferdie Wandelt '66, and the late Lou Dantzler, founder of the Challengers Boys and Girls Club, provides financial assistance to students from the Los Angeles club to attend Taft Summer School, enriching their educational opportunities.
- Chambers Scholarship, established in 1998 by Raymond G. Chambers, a friend of The Taft School, provides financial assistance to deserving students from marginalized communities with preference given to students from Newark, New Jersey, or the surrounding area.
- Cheng Family Scholarship, established in 1994 by Ivy C. and Christopher W. C. Cheng, parents of Catherine K. Cheng '95 and Jonathan S. H. Cheng '99, is awarded to a deserving student.
- Henry Cheng Family Scholarship was created in 2016 by Henry and Katherine along with, and in honor of their children, Adrian '98, Sonia '99, Brian '01 and Christopher '08. This scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student who otherwise could not afford a Taft education.
- Chu Family Scholarship, established by Irene C. and Alexander F. Chu '66, is awarded a deserving student with preference given to students from Chinese communities in New York City.
- Chung & Hwang Family Scholarship, established in 2021 by Jisun Chung and Surim Hwang, provides financial assistance to a deserving student to attend Taft.
- Class of 1943 Scholarship, established in 1983 by the families, friends, and members of the Class of 1943, provides financial assistance to a deserving student in memory of the Taft Class of 1943.
- Class of 1962 Scholarship was established in 1997 by members of the Class of 1962 on the occasion of their Thirty-fifth Reunion as a permanent memorial to their deceased classmates: Thomas B. Carter, Leon T. Garretson, David E. Goldberg, Timothy S. Mayer, William J. Miller, James D. Pratt, Frederick D. Sharp, John W. H. Simpson, and Christopher B. Williams. In the selection of the recipient of this scholarship, preference shall be given to candidates who, in the estimation of the Head of School and Director of Admissions, have made or are deemed capable of making a unique contribution to the life of the school.
- Class of 1997 Scholarship was established in 2014 with a matching challenge grant. The initial scholarship was awarded in 2017 in recognition of the class's 20th Reunion. This scholarship, awarded annually, will provide financial support to deserving students who otherwise would be unable to attend Taft.
- Class of 1999 Scholarship, established by members of the Class of 1999 and their parents as a permanent endowment fund in support of financial aid, is awarded to that student who is committed to community service in the spirit of Mr. Taft's motto, Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret.
- Richard D. Cobb Scholarship, established by Kathryn and Stephen Parks, parents of Kathryn '05, Andrew '07, and Clare '08, to honor Dick Cobb of the Classics Department and his outstanding ability and dedication to teaching, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Cookman Scholarships, established by Mr. John E. Cookman and his family in memory of Thomas Cookman, Taft '68 and Brown University '72, provides financial assistance to a student athlete with preference given to hockey players.
- Ford Hillard Cooper Scholarship was established by Ford Hillard Cooper '22 to provide assistance to one or more deserving students selected by the Head of School and the Admissions Committee.
- Roy F. Coppedge III and Luke Coppedge '98 Scholarship, established in 2000 in honor of Suzette Sands Wandelt, mother of Frederick H. Wandelt III '66 and grandmother of Allison C. Wandelt '91 and Christopher S. Wandelt '96, pays tribute to a remarkable woman's deep belief in youngsters and the importance of education. This scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving Taft student.
- Christopher Cummings '77 Scholarship, established in 2001 in memory of Christopher Cummings of the Class of 1977 by his family, friends, and classmates, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Daddario Family Scholarship, established in 2001 by Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Daddario of the Class of 1935 and the Daddario Charitable Foundation, provides academic scholarships, based on Horace Taft's fundamental beliefs in the training of character, mind, and body, to enable students of financially deserving families to attend Taft.
- Clare and Jes Dall '39 Scholarship was established in 2015 to provide financial assistance to a deserving student selected by the Scholarship Committee.
- Davis International Scholars Program, established by Mr. and Mrs. Shelby M.C. Davis, son Lansing A. Davis '97, and their family, provides scholarship funds to international students from financially deserving families in support of greater global diversity on American boarding school campuses. The program seeks to identify and recruit highly-motivated future leaders from around the world, who will make the most of their educational experiences as well as throughout their professional lives, including "giving back" to help shape a better world.
- H. William (Rusty) Davis and Linda B. Saarnijoki Scholarship was established in 2016 to honor the many years of their extraordinary service to Taft. This scholarship is awarded annually to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Day Student Financial Aid Scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to deserving day students.
- Dayton Family Scholarship, established by Joan, Megan, Mae, and Toby Dayton in recognition of the many members of their family who have benefited from their Taft experience.
- The Lois and Gerald DePolo Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving day students who exemplify kindness and integrity in memory of Lois DePolo, mathematics teacher from 1986 to 1997, and Gerald DePolo, mathematics teacher from 1985 to 2002.
- Maureen Anne Donohoe Scholarship, established in 1991 in memory of Maureen Anne Donohoe of the Class of 1984, provides financial aid to a deserving student who confronts challenge with strong character and spirit.
- Albert Kempton d'Ossche '66 Memorial Scholarship, established in 2004 by the estate of Mrs. Daisy K. Dickson in honor of Albert Kempton d'Ossche, Class of 1966, and in recognition of The Taft School's meaningful contribution to her late son, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Timothy Eastman Memorial Scholarship was established by the parents of Timothy Eastman '60 to provide aid to a student who has shown proficiency and interest in the study of mathematics.
- Clark R. Egeler Jr. Scholarship, established by bequest in 1993 in memory of Clark Raymond Egeler Jr. of the Class of 1964, provides financial assistance to deserving students from marginalized communities.
- John C. Esty Jr. Scholarship was established in 2015 by Talbot Baker Jr. to honor the School's third Head of School.
- Feidelson Family Award and Scholarship, established in 2015, was made possible through the generosity of Robert. S. Feidelson '82, Linn M. Feidelson '82, Maximillian F. Feidelson '12, Laura W. Feidelson '14, as well as through the ongoing support of the Feidelson Family and initially funded through the McDowell Foundation. The Scholarship is given annually to one or more students whose commitment to mentorship exemplifies the underlying philosophy of a Taft education, and brings to life the message behind Taft's motto 'Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret': Not to be served, but to serve.
- Financial Institutions Scholarship was established in 1998 by the participants of the Financial Institutions Contributions Committee: American Bank, Bank of Boston Connecticut, First Union, Fleet, Chase, North American Bank, People's Bank, and Webster Bank. The Fund provides financial assistance to deserving local students from the thirteen-town Chamber of Commerce service area with a preference for students from the Children's Community School.
- Fitzgerald Family Scholarship, established in 2018 by William B. Fitzgerald '54 and Sandra Krause to benefit deserving students with preference for students from the Greater Waterbury Area and Litchfield County. The Fitzgerald family includes Anthony M. Fitzgerald '62, W. Brendan Fitzgerald '82, Francis K. Holland '82, Caitlin Fitzgerald '90, Margaret Fitzgerald Wagner '93, J. Liam Fitzgerald '19, John Q. Wagner '25, and Anne Fitzgerald Wagner '26.
- Anthony M. Fitzgerald '62 Scholarship, established in 2019 in loving memory of Anthony M. Fitzgerald, Class of 1962, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Conrad G. Fleisher '44 Memorial Scholarship, established in 1998 by the Harry Fleisher Foundation, is awarded to a deserving student in memory of Conrad G. Fleisher, Taft Class of 1944, who throughout his lifetime upheld the school's motto, Not to be served but to serve, through his loyalty and generosity both to Taft and to the local community.
- Jonathan B. Fleisher '73 Memorial Scholarship, established by the Harry Fleisher Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad G. Fleisher '44 in memory of their son Jonathan B. Fleisher of the Class of 1973, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Pamela Faith Fleisher Memorial Scholarship, established in 1996 by Mr. and Mrs. Conrad G. Fleisher '44 in memory of their daughter, Pamela F. Fleisher, provides financial assistance to deserving day students.
- Maryellen S. and Clarence D. Fleming '54 Scholarship, established in 2018, provides financial assistance to deserving students, with preference given especially to those who are particularly interested in history, political science, government, or global leadership.
- Foley Family Scholarship was established in 2016 by Lawrence and Megan Foley, in honor of their son L.J. '17. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving student who would otherwise be unable to attend Taft.
- Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship enables deserving students requiring financial assistance to attend Taft.
- Ford M. Fraker Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 by family and friends to honor the memory of Ford Fraker, the former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. This scholarship will be awarded annually to provide financial assistance to a deserving student who might otherwise have not been able to afford a Taft education.
- Douglas A. Freedman Scholarship was created in 1998 through the bequest of Charles W. Lubin, Doug's maternal grandfather, and through the additional generosity of the Lubin Family Foundation, Kate and Doug Freedman '88, and Sara and Axel Schupf. The Fund, established in honor of Doug Freedman's Tenth Reunion, provides financial aid to deserving students, with preference given to scholar-athletes.
- Peter Frew '75 and Baba Frew Scholarship was established in 2023. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving student who would otherwise be unable to attend Taft.
- Genung Family Scholarship supports students from the Woodbury area. It was established in 1994 by Diana and Fred Genung '63.
- Gillikin Family Scholarship, established in 2012 in honor of Joanna Baker Wandelt, mother of Allison C. Wandelt '91 and Christopher S. Wandelt '96, pays tribute to a remarkable woman and her belief in the importance of education, to her devotion to young students, to support and nurture their personal growth and development. This scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving Taft student.
- Everett M. Goulard Memorial Scholarship, established by his widow, Marion Goulard, and son, James Goulard, Class of 1960, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Monica and Holcombe Green '87 Scholarship was established in 2017 to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Greenberg Family Scholarship, awarded to students from families with significant need. Preferences include students from families with little or no history with private schools or higher education. This award supports a well-rounded student with demonstrated interests outside the classroom. Awardees will demonstrate kindness, a sense of humor, and integrity, and will enliven the school community with their energy and spirit.
- Richard M. Gregory Family Scholarship, established in honor of Meriel Gregory by her husband and children, Richard M. Gregory '60, Larsen C. Gregory '86, and Brooks M. Gregory '89, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Conrad and Sue Ham Scholarship, established in 1996 in memory of Conrad S. Ham, Class of 1914, and his wife Susan DuPont Ham, is awarded to deserving students based on scholastic merit, leadership, character, and financial need.
- George M. Hampton Jr. '60 Memorial Scholarship, established in 2010 by the Class of 1960 to honor George M. Hampton Jr., head monitor, is given to a deserving student who demonstrates those traits that George so richly embodied: strong leadership, character, integrity, and empathy.
- Harper Family Scholarship, established by the Harper family in recognition of the importance of Taft's students to make a difference in this world. Preference will be for domestic students from an underrepresented population, especially those who will be the first generation in their families to take advantage of a private school education and go on to college.
- Robert F. Harr Memorial Scholarship, created by a bequest of Robert F. Harr, loyal Taft employee from 1948 to 1985, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Harris Family Scholarship was established in 2004 through the generosity of Susan and Charles T. Harris III and will provide financial assistance to a student with demonstrated need. The award may, if appropriate, be expanded to include funds to allow the student to travel to school and home if such travel is otherwise impossible.
- Jonathan M. Harris '90 Scholarship, established by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ira Harris in honor of their son, Jonathan M. Harris, Class of 1990, provides financial assistance to deserving students, with a preference given to those candidates who are residents of Chicago.
- Hayden Foundation Scholarship, established by the Charles Hayden Foundation, provides financial aid to deserving students from the New York and Boston metropolitan areas.
- Head of School's Scholarship was created in 2015 and donated anonymously to honor the school's fifth Head of School, William R. MacMullen '78, and will provide financial assistance for a deserving young student.
- William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship, created in 1986 by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, provides financial assistance to deserving minority students.
- Benjamin Heineman and Cristine Russell Scholarship in honor of Frederick H. Wandelt III, established by Mr. Benjamin Heineman and Ms. Cristine Russell, provides financial aid to enable a deserving student to attend Taft.
- Hellstrom Family Scholarship, established in 1992 by Linda and Jay Hellstrom and their daughter Erika Hellstrom of the Class of 1992, provides assistance to deserving students most in need of financial aid in order to attend Taft.
- Heminway Scholarship was established by Mrs. Merrit Heminway of Watertown.
- Henry L. Hillman Scholarships, established by Henry L. Hillman '37, enable deserving students in need of aid to attend Taft, with preference given to candidates from western Pennsylvania.
- W. Daniel Hogan Scholarship, established in 1999 by Dan Hogan '63, father of Lindsey H. Hogan '95 and Michael D. Hogan '00 and uncle of Kerry P. Morton '84 and Katherine R. Polzer '86, provides financial assistance to a deserving student from the New England region.
- Philip K. Howard '66 Scholarship was established in 2005 to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Ann and Allen Hubbard Scholarship, established in 1991 by Ann Hubbard and her husband, Allen Hubbard, of the Class of 1933, provides scholarship aid to a deserving student.
- Jacobson Scholarship, established in 1994 by James A. Jacobson of the Class of 1962, provides financial aid to a deserving student.
- Barclay G. Johnson '53 Scholarship, established in 2000 by the Class of 1953 in honor of Barclay Johnson on the occasion of his retirement following his distinguished thirty-nine-year-long career as a teacher, coach, and head of the Independent Studies Program, is awarded to a deserving student.
- Eric W. Johnson '53 Scholarship provides assistance to a deserving student in memory of Eric Johnson, who attended Taft for nine months and quickly discovered that the school provided an excellent environment in which to excel and prepare for success in the real world. Eric's generosity, enthusiasm and loyalty to the school have been strong since graduation. His legacy, based on the school's motto, Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret, will help others appreciate what the Taft School can offer.
- Karnasiewicz Family Scholarship, established by Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Karnasiewicz, provides financial aid to a deserving student from the greater Waterbury area.
- Keeler Scholarship was established by a bequest of Birdie R. Keeler to provide financial aid for students who are residents of the state of Connecticut.
- Kenerson Family Fund, established by Mrs. Linda Kenerson, will be used to support students expenses while studying and learning at Taft, i.e., support services, technology, incidentals that are needed for learning at Taft, etc.
- Bradley Dewey Kent Memorial Scholarship, created through the generosity of the Charles Hayden Foundation and the parents and friends of Bradley Dewey Kent, honors the memory of an outstanding Taft teacher by providing aid to a deserving student from the Boston or New York area.
- William J. Keys '06 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2011 by the friends and family of Will Keys '06, who through his life of honor, integrity, courage, and service to his country exemplified Taft's motto, Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret. The scholarship provides financial assistance to a deserving student who is determined, as Will was, to pursue a life that makes a positive impact on Taft, the country, and the global community. When appropriate, preference will be given to a candidate whose family has involvement in military service.
- Harry S. Kinney Scholarship was established by H. Craig Kinney of the Class of 1968 in honor of his father, Harry Secord Kinney, of Columbus, Indiana.
- Zoë B. Klimley '15 Memorial Scholarship was established by her parents, Brooks and Laura, and her friends to provide financial support to Taft students who evidence the qualities that Zoë endorsed daily: a deep sense of community, an empathetic appreciation of all people, and a boundless enthusiasm for life.
- Daney and Lee Klingenstein '44 Scholarship Throughout its history, Taft has been committed to recognizing the strong support provided by its alumni family to the school's ongoing development. To recognize this relationship and to encourage the family nature of the school's admissions policies, Daney and Lee Klingenstein, Class of 1944, have established a scholarship fund to provide financial assistance for the children and grandchildren of Taft graduates. In so doing, they hope to encourage those who might otherwise be hesitant to apply for admission to do so, recognizing the school's commitment to making a Taft education available to qualified alumni children.
- Kneisel Family Scholarship, established by William J. and Anne Kneisel in honor of their sons, John A. Kneisel, Taft Class of 1996, and Tyler D. Kneisel, Taft Class of 1999.
- Krehbiel Family Scholarships, established in 1997 by Fred and Kay Krehbiel, parents of William V. Krehbiel, Class of 1994, and Jay F. Krehbiel, Class of 1997, provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Douglas T. Lake Jr. '98 and Elizabeth Merck Lake '98 Scholarship provides financial assistance to a deserving student athlete who is determined to pursue a life that makes a positive impact on Taft, the country, and the global community. When appropriate, preference will be given to a candidate whose family has served, or is serving, in military and/or first responder service.
- Byron J. Lapham '20 Scholarship, established by Mildred Stiles Lapham in memory of her husband Byron J. Lapham of the Class of 1920, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Bradford C. Laube '51 Alumni Scholarship, established in 2009 through the bequest of Bradford C. Laube '51, provides financial assistance to deserving students, with preference given to the children of Taft alumni.
- Milton Leeds Scholarship, established in 2000 by Milton Leeds, provides financial assistance to especially needy and deserving students, with preference given to students from the greater Waterbury area.
- Lehman Scholarship was established by Orin Lehman '38 to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Lloyd Scholarship, established by the family of John M. Lloyd of the Class of 1967, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- David and Henry Long Family Scholarship was established in 1997 by David and Judy Long and Henry and Dutton Long to provide financial assistance to deserving students from Watertown. It was created in the belief that Watertown is a better place in which to live because of the school, and, if more young people are afforded the opportunity of a Taft education, both they and the town will benefit. David is the father of Lisabeth Long Shaw, Class of 1987, and D. John Long, Class of 1988.
- Losee Family Memorial Scholarship, established by the Losee Family in memory of Jeanne G. and Thomas P. Losee and Thomas P. Losee Jr., Class of 1959, is awarded to a deserving student in need of financial assistance.
- Herbert B. Luria Memorial Scholarships were established in memory of Herbert B. Luria by his wife and his brothers, Henry T. '28, Mortimer '34, David, and William Luria.
- William R. MacMullen Scholarship was established in 2019 to honor Head of School William R. MacMullen for his service, leadership, and commitment to students at Taft.
- James and Sally Mailliard and William Mailliard Memorial Scholarship, created by the Mailliard family, provides scholarship assistance to a deserving student from the San Francisco Bay area.
- Frederick G. Mason Scholarship was established in 1993 by Frederick G. Mason Jr. of the Class of 1943 as a memorial to his father, Frederick G. Mason of the Class of 1897. Frederick G. Mason was a co-founder of the Taft Alumni Association during the school's earliest years. This scholarship was given by Mr. Mason's son as a memorial tribute on the occasion of his Fiftieth Reunion and the one-hundredth anniversary of his father's matriculation at Taft. Scholarship awards shall be made to deserving students, with a preference given to residents of Watertown and Waterbury.
- Berkley F. Matthews '96 Memorial Scholarship, established in 1997 in honor of Berkley F. Matthews, Class of 1996, by her family and friends, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Donald F. McCullough Scholarships, established in 2001 by Lulu McCullough in loving memory of her husband, Donald F. McCullough, Class of 1942 and Chairman of the Taft Board of Trustees, for his distinguished leadership and devoted service to the school since 1963. The scholarships provide financial assistance to enable deserving students to attend Taft.
- McDowell Family Scholarship, established by Alan and Susan McDowell in honor of their daughter, Whitney W. McDowell, Taft Class of 1994, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Todd P. McGovern '92 Scholarship, given to that deserving student whose courage, passion, optimism and commitment to service embodies the extraordinary life of Todd McGovern.
- McKinnon Family Scholarship, established in 1997 by Floyd W. McKinnon '60, James W. McKinnon '87, Sarah E. McKinnon '89, and Robert K. McKinnon '93, in recognition of their affiliation with Taft, is awarded to enable a deserving student to have the benefit of a Taft education.
- Mehta Scholarships, established in 2010 by Shweta Siraj-Mehta and Amish H. Mehta '91 in honor of their parents and families, are intended to promote global diversity at Taft. The scholarship provides financial assistance to enable deserving students, with preference given to students from the Indian sub-continent, to attend Taft.
- Mestre Family Scholarship, established in 2010 by Gillian and Eduardo G. Mestre '66, parents of Laura '98, Cristina, and Edward, provides financial assistance to enable deserving students to have the benefit of a Taft education.
- Stewart L. Mims Jr. Scholarship, established in 1999 through the estate of Mary W. Mims in memory of her son Stewart L. Mims Jr. Class of 1933, is awarded to a deserving student.
- Moon Family Scholarship, established in 2016 by John J. Moon '85 and his wife Hee-Jung S. Moon, is to provide financial aid to a deserving student who is from a state in the United States underrepresented within Taft's student body.
- Morris Family Scholarship, established in 2011 by Kate and Hans Morris, parents of Mac '06 and Lucy '10, provides financial assistance to enable deserving students to attend Taft.
- William Bemis Morris Scholarship, established by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Morris in memory of their son, William Bemis Morris of the Class of 1949, provides financial aid to deserving students.
- Muhlhauser Scholarship, established in 1998 by Robert F. Muhlhauser Jr., Class of 1963, provides financial assistance to deserving students, with preference given to scholar-athletes and residents of the greater Cincinnati area.
- Frank J. Neil Family Scholarship was established in memory and appreciation of Frank J. Neil by his family and friends. It is given to a student each year that has demonstrated a love for learning and a strong desire to prepare him or herself as best as possible for life after Taft.
- Lance R. Odden Scholarships, established in 2001 as a tribute to Lance Odden's extraordinary leadership of Taft during his 29-year tenure as the school's fourth head of school, provide financial assistance to a select group of talented and motivated students who show promise of fulfilling Horace Taft's and Lance Odden's highest aspirations for young people, namely, education of the whole person, the formation of lasting principles and values, and service to society as concerned and committed citizens.
- Lance R. and Patricia K. Odden Scholarships, established in 1997 in honor of Lance and Patsy Odden's twenty-five years of leadership and dedication to the Taft School, provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate qualities of leadership and concern for their community.
- Oneglia Family Scholarship, established in 1996 by Louisa and Francis J. Oneglia and Catherine and Gregory S. Oneglia '65, with the support of O & G Industries, provides financial aid to a promising student from the local community.
- John A. Orb Scholarships, established in 1989 through the generosity of John A. Orb, Class of 1937, provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Peter Ordway Scholarship for International Students was established by Peter Ordway to provide scholarship support with preference for international students with financial need.
- Donald Oscarson '47 Scholarships, established in 2013 in memory of classics teacher Donald Oscarson '47, are awarded to Taft students in need, who best represent Oscie's spirit in terms of fellowship among their peers and also demonstrate a strong and determined work ethic in their daily lives at Taft.
- Pasquariello Family Scholarship, established to provide financial assistance to historically underrepresented and deserving students from New York City with preference for those associated with the Uncommon Schools NYC, recognizing that there may not be consistent annual candidates from this particular school system.
- David and Daniel Alfond Pearl Scholarship, established by Mrs. Susan Alfond Pearl in honor of her sons, David Alfond Pearl '86 and Daniel Alfond Pearl '88, provides aid to a deserving student, with preference given to scholar-athletes from the state of Maine.
- Percarpio Family Scholarship, established in 1999 by Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Percarpio, provides financial aid to a deserving student from the greater Waterbury area who exhibits an aptitude for the sciences with a special interest in community service.
- Marina C. Petersen '06 Scholarship is designated in remembrance of Marina, who spent four years as an active and happy member of the Taft community. Marina cherished her time at the Taft School, where she developed and nourished strong friendships with day students, boarding students, faculty, and staff. This scholarship is to be awarded to an incoming day student girl, with demonstrated need, from Watertown.
- Henry and Eva B. Pollak Scholarship, established by Maurice Pollak and his son Henry Pollak II '40, is awarded annually to a student who shows superior strength and interest in things scientific.
- Steven K. Porter '69 Memorial Vocal Scholarship, established in 2017 by family and friends to honor Steve's memory and his lifelong love of singing and music. This scholarship is awarded annually to provide financial assistance to a deserving student with preference given to a student who is an exceptionally talented and committed a capella singer.
- Margaux Powers '00 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Margaux E. Powers by her father, Michael S. Powers '69, her sister, Dana A. Powers, family, classmates and friends. This scholarship will stand as a lasting tribute to a remarkable woman, of warm heart and beautiful spirit, beloved by family and friends. Her genuine and caring nature, her intelligence, her confidence and strength, her skills as an outstanding competitor and athlete inspired all who knew her. In awarding this scholarship to deserving students, preference is given to young women attending Taft who exemplify these outstanding qualities.
- Precourt Family Scholarship, established in 2011 by Agatha and J. Anthony Precourt Jr. '89 and their family, provides financial assistance to a deserving student, with a preference given to candidates from Colorado, California, or Arizona with high academic and athletic achievement.
- Robert S. Rau Memorial Scholarship, created by a bequest of Robert S. Rau, Class of 1924, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Jonathan R. Read Scholarship, established in 1997 by Jonathan R. Read, Class of 1974, father of Colin J. Read, Class of 2002, provides financial aid to a deserving student who will benefit from the legacy of guidance through life by the moral and philosophic compass given by the school.
- Reader's Digest Scholarship provides scholarship aid to students who are qualified academically to meet Taft's standards of excellence but who face financial difficulty in attending.
- Reid Anrig Scholarship was established to support the financial aid program of The Taft School to assist students and families in need of financial aid. The ultimate goal of the scholarship is to help Taft create a diverse community of bright, talented, passionate students of good character and curious intellect.
- Alvin I. Reiff Memorial Scholarship, established in 1988 in memory of Alvin Ira Reiff, Taft teacher from 1958 to 1988, provides financial aid to a deserving student.
- Reynolds Family Scholarship, established by Vada Odom Reynolds, mother of John C. Reynolds '62, provides for financial assistance to a deserving student with preferences given to candidates from New Orleans or the state of Louisiana.
- Rhulen Family Scholarship, established in 1995 by Eileen and Peter Rhulen, parents of Samantha R. Rhulen '87, Blake M. Rhulen '88, and Sloane W. Rhulen '90, supports international students and programs.
- Virginia and William H. Risley '35 Scholarships provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate character and spirit in upholding the school's motto— Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret—with preference given to students from New York and Connecticut who have been given special guidance to prepare them for the requirements of Taft.
- Romano Scholarship, established in 2001 in honor of Jerry and Anne Romano by alumni, parents, and friends, in recognition of their 31 years of inspirational leadership, loyalty and devoted service to the school, provides financial assistance to a deserving Taft student.
- Marsha and Chris Roon '75 Scholarship, established in 1997 by Chris Roon, Class of 1975, and his wife Marsha, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- David '78, Kathy, Jesse '09 and Alec '11 Root Family Scholarship was established by David '78 and Kathy Root in gratitude for all that the Taft School has meant to them individually and as a family. It is intended to help fund the tuition of a deserving student with preference for a male hockey player in their belief that athletics plays an important role in a healthy well-balanced education.
- Lanny Ross Scholarships, established in 1995 by a bequest of Lancelot P. Ross, Class of 1924, are awarded to deserving students.
- Sacerdote Family Scholarship was established in 2014 by Alex and Annie Sacerdote to provide financial support to deserving students who otherwise would not be able to attend Taft.
- Savage 1820 Scholarship, established in 2017 by Sara and Robert Savage along with, and in honor of their children, Madeleine '18 and Sophie '20, provides financial assistance to deserving students with preference given to candidates from Litchfield and New Haven Counties who exhibit strong potential for academic and athletic achievement and promise of leadership.
- Savage Family Scholarship, established in 2015 by Todd Savage '91, honors mathematics teacher and football coach Stephen J. McCabe Jr. for instilling discipline, respect, self-confidence, and self empowerment in student athletes. This scholarship provides financial assistance to a student who demonstrates these core values in the classroom and on the field.
- Dr. Charles Douglas Sawyer Memorial Scholarship was established by Bruce P. Sawyer '57 to honor his father. This scholarship is awarded annually to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Saxten-Barnard Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student who demonstrates leadership ability and a balanced interest in scholastics, sports, and school activities. This award was established in 1991 by John A. Saxten and Bailey S. Barnard of the Class of 1963 and is intended to enable Taft to enroll students from diverse geographical backgrounds.
- Schaefer Thompson Family Scholarship, the Schaefer Thompson family, in support of single mothers and the selfless and monumental work they do on behalf of their children, is honored to present an endowment scholarship fund to benefit students who are the daughters of single mothers and United States citizens.
- Schiller Family Scholarship for the Arts, established in 2013 by Philip Schiller and Kim Gassett-Schiller, parents of Mark G. Schiller, Class of 2013 in gratitude for Mark's Taft experience. This scholarship is awarded to a student, or students annually, who show interest, aptitude and a desire to continue their studies in any of the performing or visual arts, with a special preference for supporting musicians and musical performances. It is hoped that this financial support will make it possible for talented students to attend Taft who otherwise could not afford to do so, and in so doing, promote and enhance the importance and visibility of the arts at Taft.
- Schoenrock Family Scholarship will be awarded to a student whose family lacks the financial resources to afford a Taft education. This award will support a student who is well-rounded, hard-working, and of high integrity. Preference is for a student who plays baseball or softball.
- Schoonmaker Family Scholarship, established in 1999 by Carolyn P. and Samuel V. Schoonmaker III, parents of Samuel V. Schoonmaker IV '86 and Frederick P. Schoonmaker '97, in support of the school's motto— Non ut sibi ministretur sed ut ministret —provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Elenora L. Schweizer Scholarship, established in 2000 in memory of Elenora L. Schweizer by her son, Tod H. Schweizer '57, in recognition of her effort and determination in making his Taft education possible, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Hardie Scott '26 Scholarships, established in 1998 by Hardie Scott, Class of 1926, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Searby Family Scholarship, established in 2008 through the generosity of Catharine and Dan Searby, Class of 1953, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Serenbetz Family Scholarship was established in 2007 with a gift from Stuart W. Serenbetz and Jean B. Serenbetz, parents of Tucker '03, Hunter '06 and Skyler '09. This scholarship was created in honor of Stuart's parents, Warren Lewis Serenbetz and Thelma Randby Serenbetz, whose lives exemplify the Taft motto, and whose steadfast commitment to the education of their children and grandchildren inspires all of us. The Serenbetz Family Scholarship will be awarded yearly to provide financial assistance to a deserving student with demonstrated financial need, strength of character and academic promise.
- Seventieth Anniversary Scholarship was established in 1960 upon the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the school to support the needs of deserving students requiring financial assistance.
- Shreve Family Scholarship in honor of Frederick H. Wandelt III brings to the Taft family deserving students who need financial assistance in order to attend Taft. The Fund was established in 1996 by Dorothy and Brandon Shreve, Class of 1964, and their sons Wick Shreve, Class of 1997, and Lanny Shreve, Class of 1999.
- Siemon Company Scholarship, established in 1996 by The Siemon Company, provides financial assistance to deserving day students from the greater Waterbury area, with preference given to candidates who are residents of Watertown.
- Smith/Arnold Family Scholarship, established in 1996 by members of the Smith and Arnold families, provides financial aid to a deserving student from the greater Waterbury area.
- Smith Family Foundations' Scholarship, established in 1988 by the Smith Family Foundations, provides financial aid to a deserving student from Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, or Minnesota.
- Solomon Family Scholarship was established by Peter J. Solomon in honor of his daughter, Kate Solomon, Class of 1990, to support financial aid for deserving students.
- Cornelius V. Starr Scholarship, established in 1961 by Cornelius V. Starr, provides financial assistance to a deserving student, with preference given to the children of Taft faculty.
- Dwight L. Stocker Jr. Memorial Scholarship, established in 1970 in memory of Dwight L. Stocker Jr. of the Class of 1950 by his family, friends, and classmates, provides financial aid to a deserving student.
- Lawrence H. Stone Scholarship was established by family and friends in 2017 to honor Larry Stone's significant contributions to the Taft School as a longtime faculty member, coach, director of athletics, and mentor to many students and colleagues alike. This scholarship will be distributed annually to deserving students with financial need. Preference will be given to students from local communities with a particular interest in pursuing competitive sports while attending Taft.
- Sugar Family Scholarship, established in 1996 by Dr. and Mrs. Jerome O. Sugar, parents of Lindsey A. Sugar, Class of 1997, and Sara R. Sugar, Class of 2001, provides financial aid to a deserving student from the greater Waterbury area. This fund is dedicated in memory of Cecil Sugar, grandmother of Lindsey and Sara.
- Horace Dutton Taft Scholarship was established by the Dorothy Abbe Thomson Trust to aid students who are selected on the basis of character and ability rather than wholly on scholarship.
- Horace Dutton Taft and Robert A. Taft Alumni Scholarships were established by the Board of Trustees in memory of the School's founder and Senator Robert Taft class of 1906 to provide scholarship assistance to the children of alumni who, by virtue of their public service, would not have the resources to send their children to Taft.
- Winnie Taft Scholarship was established to support the financial aid program of The Taft School to assist students and families in need of financial aid. The ultimate goal of the scholarship is to help Taft create a diverse community of bright, talented, passionate young men and women of good character and curious intellect.
- Tarasuk Family Scholarship, established by Dr. and Mrs. William E. Tarasuk, parents of Jon Randall Tarasuk, Class of 1993, and Lindsay B. Tarasuk, Class of 1999, provides aid to a day student scholar who demonstrates academic and extracurricular promise.
- Robert Benson Taylor Scholarships were established by Vernon R. Taylor of San Antonio, in memory of his son Robert Benson Taylor '41, who was lost in action over Hanau, Germany, February 17, 1945.
- Nicolai Timenes Jr. '56 Scholarship was established by a bequest from Nicolai Timenes Jr. '56 who credited his success in life to a scholarship he received from The Taft School. He then won a scholarship to Yale where he earned an MS in Mathematics followed by a long career with the federal government. This fund is to provide financial assistance to a deserving student preferably from the Greater Waterbury area.
- Tucci Family Scholarship was established in 2011 by Michael and Kimberly Tucci in honor of their daughter, Ali Tucci '12, to provide financial assistance to deserving students who otherwise would be unable to attend Taft, with preference given to those candidates who will make a meaningful contribution to the extracurricular life of the school in the area of athletics.
- Tunley Scholarship, established by Roul Tunley, Class of 1930, is awarded to deserving students with preference given to those with an interest and talent for creative writing.
- Gordon B. Tweedy Scholarships, established by Mrs. Mary Johnson Tweedy in memory of her husband Gordon B. Tweedy of the Class of 1924, provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Margaret and Roland Tyler Scholarship was established by a bequest of Margaret Tyler in memory of her husband Roland Tyler, Taft teacher from 1925 to 1967.
- Vintiadis Family Scholarship, established in 1995 by Regina and Polyvios Vintiadis, parents of Sara R. Vintiadis '93 and Jason H. Vintiadis '95, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- John L. Vogelstein Scholarships, established in 1991 by John L. Vogelstein, Class of 1952, provide financial assistance to deserving students from marginalized communities in conjunction with Prep-for-Prep.
- John K. Wallace Jr. '52 Scholarship, established in 2002 by John K. Wallace Jr., Class of 1952, provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Frederick H. Wandelt Jr. Scholarship, supported by Kevin and Karen Kennedy, was established in 1997 in honor of Frederick H. Wandelt Jr., father of Frederick H. Wandelt III, Class of 1966, and provides financial assistance to deserving students.
- Frederick H. Wandelt III '66 Scholarship was created by his family and friends to honor Ferdie and to celebrate his four decades of leadership as director of admissions and assistant head of school for alumni affairs. In devoting his life to the school he loved, Ferdie inspired and mentored thousands of students and faculty and fundamentally shaped the destiny of Taft. This scholarship is to be awarded annually to enable qualified students of financially deserving families to attend Taft.
- Dorothy S. and DeVer K. Warner Scholarship was established in 2008 to assist deserving students or students who have shown a pronounced aptitude for and interest in mathematics and scientific fields of study, with preference given to children of Taft alumni.
- Warren Alumni Scholarship, established in 1995, honors the memory of Harvey T. Warren of the Class of 1906 and his son William T. Warren of the Class of 1936.
- Weigl Family Scholarship, established by George E. Weigl, father of Peter D. Weigl '57 and Robert C. Weigl '62, provides financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Welly Scholarship, established in 2021, given in honor of Jasper Welly graduate of the Class of '21 and in recognition of his forbearers: mother Merrill Weyerhaeuser '78, great uncle Corydon Wagner III '43, grandfather George H. Weyerhaeuser '44, and great grandfather Corydon Wagner Jr. '13. Designated to support through financial assistance a deserving student residing in the United States who may not otherwise be able to study at Taft.
- Andrew J. Wertheim '76 Scholarship was established in 1999 by Andrew J. Wertheim '76 to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
- Weyerhaeuser-Wagner Scholarship, established by Mr. and Mrs. George H. Weyerhaeuser '44, Merrill Wagner Weyerhaeuser '78, and G. Corydon Wagner '43, provides financial assistance to deserving students, with preference given to candidates who are residents of the Pacific Northwest region.
- Wesley S. Williams Jr. '59 and Karen Hastie Williams Scholarship, established in 1999, awards partial scholarships to deserving students with the intent to support multiculturalism and diversity at Taft.
- Wold-MacMullen Endowed Scholarship, established by the John Wold ’34 family to honor Willy and Pam MacMullen and their service to The Taft School. It provides financial aid for students attending The Taft School.
- Women in Science Endowed Scholarship was established in 2017 to be awarded with preference to a deserving young girl with proven interest in the Sciences, and who otherwise would be unable to afford to attend Taft. It is hoped that this financial assistance would help Taft to become known as a place for girls who want to excel in the Sciences.
- David Woodward Scholarship was established by Mrs. John K. Ottley of Atlanta and Watertown in memory of her father, who was a close friend of Horace Dutton Taft and a generous benefactor of the school in its early days.
- David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Scholarships provide financial assistance for students from the Waterbury area.
- WS and JC Family Scholarship was created in 2016 as an anonymous scholarship that beginning in 2017 will be awarded annually to provide financial assistance to a deserving student who otherwise would have been unable to attend Taft.
- Garrett W. Wyman '87 Scholarship, established in 2007 by the Wyman/Bowman family and friends of Garrett Wyman, to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.
- Xu Family Scholarship was established in 2017 to provide financial assistance to deserving students who otherwise might not be able to afford a Taft education.
- A and W Yoo Scholarship was established in 2009 by Wonhi Yoo and Kay Song, parents of Andrew '11 and Walter '12, in honor of their children and with gratitude for their education at the Taft School. This fund provides financial assistance to deserving students, who will benefit from attending the school.
- Alumni Parents' Scholarship
- Livingston Carroll '37 Memorial Scholarship
- Class of 1928 Scholarship
- Marian Shaw Crosby Memorial Scholarship
- Joseph I. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship
- Nelson G. Curtis Scholarship
- Arthur P. Greenblatt Memorial Scholarship
- Hartford Area Scholarship
- Alan Ladd Johnson Scholarship
- David Leib ’73 Memorial Scholarship
- Leonhardt Foundation Scholarship
- Norden Scholarship
- Florence M. and Alice Quinn Memorial Scholarship
- Charles F. Rinaldi '53 Day Student Memorial Scholarship
- Louis Henry Schroeder Scholarship
- Lisa Jane Summa '86 Scholarship
- Dudley S. Taft '58 Scholarship
- Maria and Glenn Taylor Scholarship
Other Endowed Funds
The following endowed funds provide annual income to enhance the cultural and intellectual activities at the school:
Albert Family Global Leadership Program was established by Jan and Eric D. Albert ’77, Rachel and Jonathan D. Albert ’79, and David and Deborah Albert Rosmarin ’82 in honor of their parents, Sylvia and Burton Albert, to recognize a lifelong commitment to justice and “Tikkun Olam,” the repair of the world. This fund supports the global leadership efforts of the School, especially those marked by the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.
- Albert Family Holocaust Study Fund was created by Burt and Sylvia Albert, parents of Eric Albert ’77, Jonathan Albert ’79 and Deborah A. Rosmarin ’82, to enable the school to bring to campus once a year guest speakers who are recognized authorities on the study of the Holocaust during WWII. It is hoped that this experience will help engender a continuing knowledge and enable us all to learn from this tragic lesson in history.
- Bendheim Family Endowment, established in 2002 by the family of Thomas L. Bendheim of the Class of 1981, and funded by the Leon Lowenstein Foundation, provides annual support for the Moorhead Academic Center which offers individual tutoring and study space for research.
- Cannon Family Squash Fund was established in 2011 through the generosity of A. Martin F. Cannon, Nancy C. M. Cannon, Andrew M. F. Cannon Jr. '11 and family. The fund supports learning, training, communications, coaching opportunities, equipment, and travel that will contribute meaningfully to the continued development of the Taft Boys' Squash program and to the achievement of two important goals: winning the Boys' U.S. High School Team Squash Championships and maintaining an uncompromised level of sportsmanship throughout the program.
- Rear Admiral Raymond F. DuBois Fellowship in International Affairs will offer Taft students the opportunity to learn more about international affairs through annual presentations by guest lecturers.
- Erdman Family Endowment for Dance was established in 2016 by Jacqueline and Christian P. Erdman along with their daughter Mackenzie '14 to provide annual support for the Dance Curriculum at Taft.
- James G. Franciscus Theater Fund was established in memory of James G. Franciscus of the Class of 1953 by his family and friends and supports annual productions at Taft.
- Friends of Crew Endowment, established in 2008 by Callie and Hank Brauer ’74, parents of Molly ’08, Ben ’09, and Biz ’10, provides supplemental support for the operational needs of the Taft crew program.
- Glazer Family Fund, established in 2008 by Kristine and Peter D. Glazer, parents of Samantha Glazer ’06 and Jenny Glazer ’08, provides support for the travel expenses of the Girls’ Golf Team, Girls’ Crew, and Collegium Musicum.
- Bob and Sally Gries Fund, established in 1997, provides support for the Community Service Program and Community Service Day at the Taft School.
- Guernsey Family Endowment for Theater and the Arts was established in 2015 by Tony & Eve Guernsey, Katama Guernsey Eastman '95, and Sara Guernsey '11 to support the theater and the arts program at Taft.
- Andrew R. Heminway ’47 Memorial Art Fund supports annual art exhibits at Taft.
- Fritz C. Hyde Jr. Memorial Theater Fund was established in memory of Fritz C. Hyde Jr. of the Class of 1929 by his family and friends and supports annual productions at Taft.
- Kilbourne Summer Enrichment Fund, established by John Kilbourne, Class of 1958, in memory of his parents Samuel W. and Evelyn S. Kilbourne, provides students with opportunities in the summer to participate in enriching programs in the arts.
- Roger F. Kirkpatrick Fund, established in 2005 in memory of Roger F. Kirkpatrick by his brother Stuart F. Kirkpatrick, supports the Taft School’s initiatives and relations with China.
- Lee Klingenstein Program, established by Lee Paul Klingenstein of the Class of 1944, was designed to support character education including but not limited to service, ethical behavior, community responsibility, and responsible citizenship.
- L. Richard Kugelman Jr. Memorial Fund was established in memory of Rick Kugelman of the Class of 1985 by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard Kugelman, and his sister, Kristen G. Kugelman of the Class of 1986. The primary purpose of the fund is to provide special confidential counseling for students at the discretion of the Head of School. If needed, the Fund may also be used for scholarship assistance to a deserving student or to provide financial assistance to a student in need of help upon the recommendation of the Head of School.
- Elizabeth Lake Lanahan '08 Fund was established in 2015 by Michael and Leslie Lanahan '73 to honor their daughter, Lily '08. The income from this fund is unrestricted and is to be used at the discretion of the Head of School and/or the Board of Trustees.
- James L. Loomis ’31 Athletic Endowment Fund, established in 1997 by James L. Loomis ’31 in honor of Charles H. Shons, former Director of Athletics and Taft faculty member (1927-1955), provides annual funds for the Taft athletic programs.
- Timothy S. Mayer Memorial Fund for Theater Arts, established in 1994 through the estate of Timothy S. Mayer, Class of 1962, supports the theater program at Taft.
- Katherine Jackson Morrison ’92 Memorial Fund was established in 2012 to preserve Katie’s memory at Taft and to create a legacy of her enthusiasm, perseverance, and the spirit that defined her. The fund is made possible through the generosity and ongoing support of the Morrison and Jackson families, the generosity of the Class of 1992, and many other alumni and friends touched by Katie’s life in some way. The fund is intended to support learning, travel, equipment, coaching opportunities, or any specific needs that will ultimately aid the Taft Girls’ Soccer program.
- Oppenheim Visiting Writers Fund, established in 2004 through the generosity of William and Paula Oppenheim, supports a program of visiting creative writers and poets to enrich the Taft experience.
- Paduano Lecture Series in Philosophy and Ethics, established in 1999 by Daniel P. and Nancy Paduano, parents of John P. Paduano, Class of 1999, funds a program of visiting speakers in support of the Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics Department at Taft. Visiting speakers, selected from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, address the students and faculty and visit classes during their stay at the school.
- Paley Family Endowment, established in 2006 by Valerie and Jeffrey Paley ’56, supports the Paley Lectures, an annual program of visiting speakers. Invited speakers address the school community on current issues of major significance, such as government, journalism, foreign affairs, environment, and civil liberties, in order to provide Taft students with the opportunity to be inspired by the value and dignity of lives filled with purpose and commitment.
- Matthew B. Preston Memorial Fund, established in 1971 by a legacy from Matthew B. Preston, Class of 1969 (1951-1971), and augmented by gifts from his family and friends, supports a program of visiting writers, poets, artists, and other cultural activities which enrich the life of the school. Artists are selected to give public readings or performances, visit classes, and work with individual students.
- Rockwell Visiting Artists Fund, established in 1997 by Sherburne B. Rockwell Jr., Class of 1941, and H. P. Davis Rockwell, Class of 1944, supports a program of visiting artists to speak with students and faculty, work with art classes, and exhibit their work in Taft's Mark Potter '48 Art Gallery. Professional artists involved in painting, drawing, photography, pottery, sculpture, fabric design, printmaking and other visual arts are included in the program.
- Anne Romano Fund in Support of Global Service and Leadership, established in 2013, was made possible through the generosity of Jeff '67 and Claudia Little, and Brad Little '99. The fund was established to honor Anne Romano's commitment to education, to the Taft community, as well as service to the community beyond Taft.
- Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Fund for the Arts was established in 1995 as a permanent endowment fund with the income it generates used to support teaching salaries and expenses related to the Arts Department.
- Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Head of School’s Discretionary Fund was established in 1995 to provide financial assistance to students and faculty for special opportunities for growth and learning at the discretion of the Head of School.
- Frederick Adams Stebbins ’28 Music Fund, established in 2011 by Lois E. Stebbins, supports the activities of Collegium Musicum.
- Stott Family New York Botanical Garden Summer Internship originated in 2018 to provide the necessary support for a qualified Taft student seeking an enhanced botanical science learning opportunity in a world-renowned setting offered by The New York Botanical Garden. The exclusive, ten-week internship often results in a life-changing experience.
- Louis H. Tietjen Memorial Endowment to Support Girls’ Athletics, established in 2002 through the generosity of Louis H. Tietjen, loyal Taft School employee for 32 years and avid fan of girls’ athletics.
- James Hollyday Webb Theater Fund was established in memory of Jamie Webb of the Class of 1992 by his family and friends and supports annual productions at Taft.
- Yerkes Family Botanical Art and Sciences Speakers Fund, established in 2012, offers Taft students the opportunity to learn more about systematic botany, biodiversity, ethnobotany, field botany, and floral morphology, as well as botanical illustration through annual presentations by guest speakers.
- Shackelford Bauer Book Fund
- Rachel D. Brodie Book Fund
- Ralph C. Carroll Jr. ’33 Book Fund
- Cawley/Tyler Memorial Book Fund
- Tom and Eliza Chrystie Endowment for Taft Educational Center
- Conant/Palmer Book Fund
- Howard L. Davis Book Fund
- Charles S. Elder Jr. Memorial Book Fund
- John G. Farrell Memorial Fund for Performing Arts
- Daniel H. Fenton Book Fund
- Lisa Firestone Volunteer Program
- James William Hook Jr. Family Taft Library Fund
- Harry Hyde Book Fund
- Lam Library Book Fund
- Roger H. Lee ’90 Endowment for Soccer
- Lily Liu Memorial Book Fund
- Richard H. Lovelace Memorial Book Fund
- Morris Library for Teachers as Learners
- Lewis R.C. Morse ’59 Book Fund
- Marina C. Petersen ’06 Library Fund
- John A. Pharr Jr. ’21 Book Fund
- Joyce A. Bailey Romano Book Fund
- Charles Rosenberry Memorial Fund
- Robert Steele Smith ’65 Book Fund
- Thompson L. Smith ’81 Memorial Book Fund
- Richard S. Sneath Book Fund
- Neil J. Sullivan ’52 Book Fund
- Hulbert Taft Jr. Book Fund
- Hulbert Taft Jr. ’26 Library Endowment Fund
- Taylor Family Endowment for Soccer
- Edward and Irma Telling Book Fund
- Trombly Family Book Fund
- Wardell Library Fund
- Robert D. Welchli ’49 Book Fund