Bringing the World to Taft: Morning Meeting Speaker Series

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Morning Meeting speaker Anna Msowoya-KeysOur Portrait of a Graduate speaks to the cultivation of a moral thoughtfulness through exposure to different ways of thinking, and to reflection upon learning as a route to greater awareness of our own place in the world. Morning Meetings open these doors for Taft students.

Twice each week, Tafties gather in Bingham Auditorium for Morning Meeting, where speakers from across the aisle and across the globe grant exposure to new or unique perspectives, and offer deeper, broader insights into the world. Taft students have come to understand the impact of genocide in Rwanda through the words and work of a new generation of survivors. They have traveled to the International Space Station with NASA astronauts, probed the democratic process with senators and congressmen, seen the world through the lens of a National Geographic photographer, and gone inside the Black Lives Matter Movement with its co-founder. They have engaged with authors, scholars, activists, and artists. They have learned from their peers and their teachers, their friends and their mentors.

Morning Meetings are a Taft tradition. They are a way of life, and a fulfillment of both Mr. Taft’s commitment to educating the whole person and of his belief that students must “get outside of themselves.” They open doors, shine light on new pathways, and quite literally, bring the world to Taft.

2024-25 Morning Meetings

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