Where are you from?
I am from Webster, New York.
What made you choose Taft?
I chose Taft because it offered the best opportunity for me to improve as a student and as a hockey player, through rigorous academic and athletic programs. The challenging yet supportive environment at Taft seemed to be a great place for me to grow.
What activities do you participate in on campus?
I am captain of the Boys’ Varsity Hockey Team and a school monitor. I've also played Thirds Lacrosse and JV tennis during my time at Taft. I like attending the Geo Club and Quiz Bowl, as well as participating in community service opportunities during my free time.
What has been your favorite class so far at Taft?
While English was never my favorite subject, my senior English class, Media and Identity, changed that, and became my favorite course at Taft. In this course, we dove into the impacts of technology on our lives, and reflected on our own cellphone and social media use. I think it is a class everyone should take, as I was able to apply so much of what I learned to my own life. It seems like every night on Facetime I had something new to share with my parents that I learned in Media and Identity, as every class provoked unique reflection and engagement.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite place on campus is Odden Arena. Not only is it of the nicest ice rinks on any New England prep school campus, for me it represents of a place every Taft student has: a place where we are able to showcase our own personal unique talents. The stands at our games are often full of my classmates and friends, cheering me on while I do the thing I love. In the spring, when the ice is taken out of the rink, Odden becomes the place for growth that I sought for in prep school. From shooting pucks to playing roller hockey, my teammates and I can be found in Odden even out of season, sharpening our skills and visualizing the next winter season to come.
What has been your most memorable Taft moment?
It's hard to pick just one moment, but Hotchkiss Day the two years I've experienced it have been some of the most fun and memorable moments, even as a fan. I'll never forget the snowy night at Hotchkiss in which nearly a hundred Taft students withstood the cold to witness the football team’s incredible comeback. While the game itself was enough to cement itself as one of my favorite Taft memories, it was being with my friends decked out in our fully red outfits in weather that no Hotchkiss student dared withstand. And seeing Big Red defeat Hotchkiss in such a dramatic fashion is always a joyous occurrence.
What do you love most about Taft?
The thing I love most about Taft is the friendships I’ve made, relationshps that I know I will keep long after I graduate. Living in the dorm and being on teams has helped me create bonds that will last a lifetime.
What does it mean to be a Rhino?
Being a Rhino means being a unique piece to a larger community that is special. Each person brings their own backgrounds and talents to create an amazing community I’ve been happy to call home.