Kaitlyn from Connecticut

Hometown: Ridgefield, CT

Passion: Making friends and listening to music.

Goals for the summer: To make new friends and have a fun and educational summer.  

First impression: The campus. I saw it from a distance at first and I loved it! The buildings are gorgeous inside and out, and the fields are wonderful.

Favorite class: STEM because we worked on so many fun projects and the best part was that the students got to pick what we wanted to do.

Favorite sport: Dance with Ms. Brennan and Ms. Petruzzi because the choreography and every activity that we did was so much fun. I always looked forward to going!

Favorite food in the dining hall: The cookies and the baked ziti. The vanilla and the M&M cookies were so delicious!

Favorite memory: Almost every bit of the final week. I had so much fun with my roommate, the formal dance was fun, and the "celebrations of the arts" was a blast.